Md. Faiyazuddin
PRINCIPAL (Head of the Institution)
Dr. Md. Faiyazuddin has over 12 years of rich experience as academician & researcher with expertise in the field of Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology & Clinical Nanomedicine. Currently, he is the Principal of Tetri Chandravansi Pharmacy College, Ramchandra Chandravansi University, Jharkhand, India. His role in the college is the head of Academic & research affairs, Examination & accrediation, Maintenance, Recruitment and Cultural activities. He is the lead member of various college & university committees including, accrediation & approval, research affairs, course development, syllabus framing, awareness programs, training and placement. Prior to his current affliation, he hold several positions including Principal of Bihar College of Pharmacy, Magadh University (2016-2019), Chief Investigator of Nanopharmaceutical drug delivery research lab (NDDRL), and Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutics, Integral University (2007-2014), Lucknow, Assistant Professor & Quality Coordinator, Department of Pharmaceutics, College of Pharmacy, University of Hail (2014-2016), Saudi Arabia. He is an associate member of Institute of Nanotechnology, Sterling University, Scotland, British Society of Nanomedicine, University of Liverpool, International Society of Aerosol in Medicine and American Lung Association, Chicago. He is registered fellow at Chartered Management Institute, London. Faiyazuddin’s research interests include nanoplatform for potential molecules for lungs delivery, preparation and characterization of targetspecific drug delivery systems for gastrointestinal tract infections, oral delivery of cytotoxic drugs for solid tumors in novel biodegradable polymeric nanoparticles, nanocarriers for skin delivery, herbal nanoconjugates for hepatoprotection. His research has received funding from Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India, Deanship of Scientific Research, UoH, Saudi Arabia, and other foundations. Dr. Md. Faiyazuddin has extensively published research & review articles & conference proceedings. He has a number of awards and accolades to his name including P. D. Sethi Award 2010 and SERB-DST Young Scientist 2013. He has authored three books and published a number of research papers in peer reviewed journals. Dr. Faiyazuddin is in editorial board of various national & international journals like Journal of Nanomedicine and Biotherapeutic Discovery, Pharmacologia, Intellectual Property Rights: Open Access, Clinical Research and Regulatory Affairs, International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching and Practices and, International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical & Nanosciences, Journal of Basic & Applied Research.
Research Interest
Nano Dry powders for Asthma Therapy, Nanoconjugates of botanicals in hepatoprotection, Chemopreventive nanodelivery approaches for Anticancer agents, Lipid Nanoparticles for Skin Delivery of Botanicals, Ocular Nanopharmaceutics.